Enhancing Data Security in 2024: The Evolution of Encryption Strategies


In an era where data forms the cornerstone of our existence, safeguarding sensitive information has never been more critical. Encryption, the process of scrambling data to make it indecipherable without the appropriate key, remains a fundamental aspect of data security. However, deploying and maintaining encryption systems can be challenging for many businesses. According to a recent study conducted by TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), organizations struggle with effectively implementing encryption measures. This blog delves into the key findings of the report and offers practical strategies to help you optimize your encryption plan for 2024 and beyond.

Encryption on the Rise: A Strategic Security Investment

According to the ESG research, encryption is now a strategic security goal rather than an afterthought. The following are some important lessons learned:

  • Formal Encryption Programs: A formal cryptography program has been adopted by nearly three-quarters (73%) of the firms, indicating a commitment to data security.
  • Dedicated Teams: More than eighty percent of participants have a specialized group or person in charge of managing keys, certificates, and encryption. This demonstrates the increasing significance of specialized knowledge in this vital field.
  • C-Suite Involvement: Since most of these teams answer directly to the C-Suite, there is a high awareness of the value of encryption inside the company.
  • Increased Spending: Almost 90% of businesses want to spend more on encryption in the upcoming year, with nearly a third expecting a sizable expenditure. This increase is a reflection of the increased understanding of encryption’s importance in a complete security posture.


The Cost of Inadequate Encryption

The ESG study emphasizes the negative effects of not using appropriate encryption procedures. The following are some startling figures:

Data Loss Prevalence: Twenty percent of the firms said they had lost critical information in the previous year.

Uncertain Losses: More worrisome, 26% believe there has been data loss but do not have the resources or knowledge to verify it. This emphasizes how important it is to have strong data monitoring and discovery tools.

Common Culprits: The most frequent causes of data loss include:

  1. Lack of timely encryption of sensitive data.
  2. Malicious actors exploit unencrypted data due to weak access controls.
  3. Inadequate security policies.
  4. Unsanctioned applications and shadow data (unidentified and unmanaged data stores).
  5. Insufficient encryption key strength.

Operational Challenges in the Cloud

More than 25% of respondents said that organizations moving their cryptographic infrastructure to the cloud encounter unique operational challenges. Among these difficulties are:

  • Staff Shortages: The shortage of qualified cybersecurity workers continues to be a major challenge.
  • Budget Constraints: Investing in necessary resources can be hampered by financial constraints.
  • Complexity and Effort: Encryption implementation and management might take a lot of experience and time.
  • Competing Priorities: The importance of other crucial security measures may eclipse encryption efforts.

The Importance of Data Discovery and Classification

Between perceived data visibility and actual data security, there may be a gap, according to a report. The importance of data discovery is as follows:

  • Confidence in Data Location: A significant majority of participants (94%) conveyed trust in their capacity to identify confidential information.
  • Shadow Data Risks: A sizeable fraction (18%), however, said that unidentified shadow data was to blame for data loss.
  • Shadow App and Service Risks: Furthermore, 27% of the respondents reported data loss as a result of using unapproved apps and services.

In order to locate and safeguard all sensitive data inside an organization, these findings emphasize the necessity of having strong data discovery and classification technologies.

Optimizing Your Encryption Strategy in 2024

Efficiency and optimization are key components of encryption’s future. Here are some important conclusions to think about:

  • Essential Pillar of Data Security: In both on-premises and cloud environments, encryption is essential for maintaining contractual responsibilities, safeguarding sensitive data, and guaranteeing regulatory compliance.
  • Focus on Efficiency: Teams responsible for security are under pressure to do more with fewer resources. You may get the most out of your current assets by refining your encryption approach.
  • Consolidated Platforms: Using unified key management platforms instead of different encryption technologies simplifies administration and improves security operations.
  • Continuous Improvement: The world of security is ever-changing. In order to handle new threats and weaknesses, examine and update your encryption approach on a regular basis.

In today’s data-driven society, encryption is still an essential tool for protecting sensitive data. Organizations can maximize their encryption strategy and lay a solid basis for data security in 2024 and beyond by realizing its strategic relevance, investing in qualified staff, resolving operational issues, and putting best practices for data discovery and classification into effect.