Camouflage sheet: Israel’s military, Polaris develops new tech for making soldiers invisible

Camouflage sheet: Israel’s military, Polaris develops new tech for making soldiers invisible
Camouflage sheet: Israel’s military, Polaris develops new tech for making soldiers invisible

The camouflage sheet, which can be rolled up and carried by soldiers who may be trekking through dangerous war zones, weighs only 1.1 pounds

A camouflage net has been redesigned by the Israel’s product manufacturing company Polaris Solutions, who says the camouflage sheet can make soldiers virtually ‘undetectable”.

The camouflage sheet, also known as the Kit 300 sheet, combining microfibers, metals, and polymers to make it harder for the human eye and thermal cameras to see the soldiers, has been developed in partnership with Israel’s Ministry of Defense and is made of thermal visual concealment (TVC) material.

The camouflage sheet, which can be rolled up and carried by soldiers who may be trekking through dangerous war zones, weighs only 1.1 pounds. Additionally, the lightweight sheet is sturdy enough to carry more than 500 pounds.

The Kit 300 is double-sided and boasts of one side that can be used in forests and the other in deserts. The camouflage sheet can also be used to wrap around the body and used as a barrier that resembles a rock, making it hard to differentiate.

“Someone staring at them with binoculars from afar will not see soldiers,” Gal Harari, a UK reported quoted the head of the detectors and imaging technology branch of the MoD’s research and development unit, as saying in a statement.

Yonatan Pinkas, director of marketing at Polaris Solutions, told The Media Line, “’Camouflage nets haven’t changed too much in the past 50 years”, adding, “We wanted to bring in a new type of material. So TVC was born”.

“Kit 300 is capable of carrying up to 500 pounds, can be used as a splint and a hypothermia blanket”, Pinkas said.

Meanwhile, earlier today, Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems unveiled Sea Breaker, a 5th generation long-range, autonomous, precision-guided missile system with a 300 km range.

“Sea Breaker is highly effective in complex A2/AD arenas, even under severe electronic warfare and GNSS denial conditions”, said Rafael Advanced Defense Systems in a statement calling it a “naval and artillery unit force-multiplier”.

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