Emirates Family Office Association appoints new executive director – Aisha Al Mansoori

Emirates Family Office Association appoints new executive director – Aisha Al Mansoori
Emirates Family Office Association appoints new executive director – Aisha Al Mansoori

As Executive Director, Aisha will work closely with stakeholders to drive the growth and value proposition of EFOA.

Abu Dhabi, UAE, June 25, 2024: The Emirates Family Office Association (“EFOA”), the unique independent body supporting UAE (and global) family offices, announces the appointment of Aisha Al Mansoori as its new Executive Director.

As Executive Director, Aisha will work closely with stakeholders to drive the growth and value proposition of EFOA by launching new member initiatives, strengthening ties with leading family offices in the UAE and globally, and fostering connectivity and knowledge sharing between EFOA members, partners, and affiliates.

Holding extensive experience in the public, private, and family office sectors, Aisha has a track record of excellence in strategy, business performance, and stakeholder engagement, having previously held directorial roles at Accenture Middle East and EY. Her extensive knowledge of the UAE and its family office and business ecosystems will enable her to excel in this role.

Adam Ladjadj, founder and chairman of EFOA, said:

“As part of our growth strategy, EFOA is delighted to announce the appointment of Aisha Al Mansoori. Aisha joins to further bolster our position as the leading official industry body for family offices in the UAE. We very much look forward to benefiting from Aisha’s deep experience and energy, and I’d like to thank her predecessor, Yasmin, for all her dedication and support in the association’s growth to date.

“It is a very exciting time for the Family Office ecosystem, regionally and globally. Many families are looking to institutionalize and seek the advice and support of other families. Aisha will spearhead the association’s work to connect these families, consolidate the ecosystem, and promote knowledge sharing.”

Aisha Al Mansoori, Executive Director of EFOA, added:

“I am thrilled to be joining EFOA. The family office space is hugely exciting and dynamic, and EFOA has been a pioneer in connectivity and knowledge-sharing. I look forward to strengthening the association’s position in the UAE, the region, and internationally.”

Founded in 2023, EFOA is an independent, non-profit association and the only official industry body for family offices in the UAE, helping member families allocate assets, preserve and grow their wealth, modernise their business structures, and scale their operations internationally.

EFOA’s mission is to encourage and develop a higher degree of sophistication among family offices and businesses, regionally and globally, by offering tools and insights on community building, learning opportunities, policy and advocacy, and financial structures.

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