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Prerequisites for Nomination & Award Selection

Selection Criteria:

To be selected for the Trailblazers of Technology Awards, the project(s) that you submit must have –

  • Meaningful Contribution: Achieved notable business benefits and enhancements.
  • Positive Change: Made a substantial impact on business processes or operations.
  • Innovation: Introduced innovative solutions or approaches.
  • Creativity: Showcased creativity and unconventional thinking.
  • Implementation: Projects must have gone live between January '23 and May '24.
  • Engage Stakeholders: Illustrated how the project engaged and benefited key stakeholders, including team members, clients, or partners.
  • Showcase Scalability: Demonstrated the potential for your project’s success to be scaled or replicated, providing long-term value and sustainability.
Judging Criteria

Guidelines for the assessment of entries for EmergeTech 2024 Dubai: Trailblazers of Technology Awards –

  • Ensure your entry details your projects and initiatives thoroughly, showcasing their unique impact and innovation.
  • The EmergeTech 2024 Dubai: Trailblazers of Technology Awards will be chosen by CIO News’ Chief Editor and senior leaders based on information submitted in the nomination form.
  • Nominations will be evaluated relative to each other; no individual rankings will be assigned.
  • Only projects that are fully implemented and operational will be considered. Ongoing or client-specific projects would be deemed ineligible.
  • Accurate and honest information is essential. Any falsification or fraudulent claims will result in disqualification.
  • Your submission will be used exclusively for evaluation and may be featured in related content. It will not be shared publicly without your explicit consent.
  • If certain details are confidential, please indicate so. Provide all necessary information for assessment, noting any specifics you wish to keep private.
So go ahead and get started to showcase your technological excellence and leadership. Submit your nomination for EmergeTech 2024 – Global Edition today!
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CIO News produces award-winning content and resources for IT leaders, it provides business technology executives with an overview and insight into developments in information technology and an understanding of the role IT plays in achieving business objectives.

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