The Northern Regional Police Department’s Cyber Cell nabbed a group responsible for a Rs. 32 lakh scam by threatening a 49-year-old man with “digital arrest” on bogus claims of money laundering and fraudulent web ads. Four people have been detained for assisting cybercriminals by supplying them with bank accounts. The accused are Gangavihan Jotaram Bhoju, Vikas Manoharlal Bishnoi, Premsukh Sohanram Bishnoi, and Ramniwas Ramlalram Bishnoi.
The Victim’s Ordeal
The 49-year-old complainant, who lives in Kandivali with his elderly mother, just retired and relies on his funds to support his family. On December 12, 2024, he received a call from an anonymous individual claiming to be from the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). The caller said that a complaint had been lodged against him at Delhi’s R.K. Puram police station. The scammer pretended to transfer the conversation to a police officer, introducing himself as “Gopesh Kumar CP” and accusing the victim of money laundering and publishing bogus web advertising.
The victim was later linked to another fraudster masquerading as Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Anil Sharma. Under the guise of an ongoing investigation, the phony DCP obtained the victim’s personal and financial information and instructed him not to tell anybody about it.
The next day, another scammer, Navjyot Simmi, posed as a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) official and phoned the victim. The caller presented forged paperwork, including an arrest order and a bank account freeze letter, both with false Reserve Bank of India logos and rubber stamps. Under the cover of a “digital arrest,” the victim was forced to deposit Rs. 32 lakh to a specific bank account for “investigation purposes.”
Fraudulent Activity Uncovered
When the scammers ceased replying, the victim realized he had been tricked and told his relatives, who encouraged him to contact the police. The Cyber Cell opened an investigation based on the victim’s allegation. Gangavihan, Vikas, Premsukh, and Ramniwas were apprehended following a rapid operation.
Modus Operandi
The accused individuals served as intermediaries, creating various bank accounts on behalf of the cyber criminals. The victim’s funds were moved to these accounts before being diverted to the scammers. During interrogation, the accused agreed to their involvement and disclosed their ties to the cybercrime network.
Police Action
The suspects have been brought before a Borivali court, which has remanded them in police custody. Authorities are currently investigating the financial transactions associated with the accused’s bank accounts in order to identify more fraudulent conduct.
The police have encouraged individuals to be wary of such calls and to check the legitimacy of any accusations before taking action.
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