The Tamil Nadu Cyber Crime Police detained a 27-year-old guy from Kerala for allegedly working as a first-layer mule account holder in an online investment fraud. The swindle cost the complainant Rs 52.6 lakh. From him, the police retrieved passports, ATM cards, bank account passbooks, SIM cards, and cell phones.
A news statement claims that the suspect, N Anvarsha of Alappuzha, Kerala, created a bank account in the name of the scrap business “Zerv” in order to carry out the crime. Investigations showed that Anvarsha had committed cybercrimes involving several bank accounts in order to mislead the people.
After replying to a Facebook ad promising a large reward on online investing, the victim, a 34-year-old Madurai teacher, lost Rs 52.6 lakh to the online trading fraud. After that, the victim moved the funds to several bank accounts. However, a report was filed at the Madurai District Cyber Crime Police Station when it was discovered to be a fraud.
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