Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged the police on Sunday to use India’s artificial intelligence (AI) and “Aspirational India” to turn the threat posed by digital frauds, cybercrimes, and Al into an opportunity. The remarks were made on Sunday in Bhubaneswar at the 59th All India Conference of Director Generals/Inspector Generals of Police.
The prime minister voiced concerns in his speech on the possible dangers posed by digital fraud, cybercrimes, and Al technologies, especially the potential for deep fake to sabotage interpersonal and family relationships.
He also extended the SMART policing motto, urging police officers to become more strategic, thorough, flexible, trustworthy, and open.
He expressed gratitude for the efforts made in urban policing and recommended that all of the proposals be compiled and fully implemented in 100 cities around the nation. He recommended that the Police Station be the main place for allocating resources and advocated for the use of technology to lessen the workload of the constabulary.
The Prime Minister proposed hosting a National Police Hackathon in addition to discussing how hackathons have been successful in resolving some important issues.
Modi also emphasized the necessity of putting more emphasis on port security and creating a long-term strategy for it. He called on the Police to update and realign with the Viksit Bharat vision.
Modi presented Intelligence Bureau officers with President’s Police Medals for Distinguished Service during the farewell session.
Ministers of State for Home, Union Home Secretary, National Security Advisor, and Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister also attended the conference.
Over 750 officers of all ranks virtually attended the conference, which was held in a hybrid format and included DGsP/IGsP from all States/UTs as well as the heads of the CAPF/CPOS in person.
Also read: Viksit Workforce for a Viksit Bharat
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