AI-based emotion detector to recognize five kinds of human emotions

AI-based emotion detector
AI-based emotion detector to recognize five kinds of human emotions

AI-based system conveys information to the police department to prevent crimes of terrorism threats

The researchers of Seoul, South Korea have created an AI-based 5G-integrated virtual emotion recognition system that will recognise at five kinds of human emotions including joy, pleasure, sadness, anger and a neutral state.

The AI-based virtual emotion system, known as 5G-I-VemoSYS will rely on body movements and wireless signals from a human subject to detect emotions. The system is also called as AI-Virtual Emotion Barrier or AI-VEmoBAR.

This information of emotion will be then handled by the AI-based system concerned with flow. This system is known as AI-Virtual Emotion Flow or AI-VEmoFLOW. It enables the flow of specific emotion information at a specific time to a specific area.

Then to create a virtual emotion map that can be utilized for threat detection and prevention of crime, the AI-Virtual Emotion Map, or AI-VEmoMAP, finally utilizes a large amount of this virtual emotion data.

Researcher Hyunbum Kim from the Incheon National University in South Korea said, “Emotion detection technology thus has great potential for recognising any disruptive emotion and in tandem with 5G and beyond-5G communication, warning others of potential dangers”.

He added, “For instance, in the case of the unstable driver, the AI-enabled driver system of the car can inform the nearest network towers, from where nearby pedestrians can be informed via their personal smart devices”.

The team of researchers studied the flip side of such technological revolution from the study published in the journal IEEE Network. As per the study, the AI-based system itself can be used to attack or threaten the security of 5G-enabled systems which, in turn, can greatly compromise their reliability.

The team found that in order to protect the privacy of citizens in public areas, emotion detection is allowed without revealing the face or other private parts of the subjects.

Furthermore, the AI-based system conveys information to the nearest police department or relevant entities, if a serious emotion, such as anger or fear, is detected in a public area, so that necessary steps can be taken immediately to prevent any potential crime or terrorism threats.

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