ADP Named Market Leader in Global Payroll by Everest Group, NelsonHall and Ventana Research

ADP Named Market Leader in Global Payroll by Everest Group, NelsonHall and Ventana Research
ADP Named Market Leader in Global Payroll by Everest Group, NelsonHall and Ventana Research

Three major industry analyst rankings highlight ADP’s strengths in geography, technology, customer experience, and analytics.

Roseland, N.J., December 19, 2023 In three separate recent reports by leading industry analysts, ADP was recognized as an exceptional leader in the global and North American payroll markets. The reports, by the Everest Group, NelsonHall and Ventana Research, now part of ISG, are rigorous evaluations of major global payroll vendors and include client interviews and extensive market and product research. The assessments provide payroll technology buyers with critical information for selecting the right partner.

In their October 2023 report, Everest Group named ADP the highest leader out of 27 providers in their Multi-Country Payroll (MCP) Solutions PEAK® Matrix report across three segments: global, EMEA, and APAC. The PEAK matrix assessment defines leaders as vendors that exhibit both a strong vision and capability, along with market impact. In addition, leaders invest in proprietary technology and data security. ADP has consistently earned recognition as a leader since the report’s inception in 2013, owing to ADP’s ability to support clients’ diverse global needs and its continued innovation in the global and North American payroll spaces. In particular, clients referenced in the report appreciate the relationship management and proactive approach of ADP’s implementation and operations teams.

“ADP’s wide geographic coverage, service delivery, and extensive integration capabilities position it strongly in the multi-country payroll (MCP) market,” explained Priyanka Mitra, Vice President, Everest Group. “It has continuously enhanced its platform and places a strong emphasis on analytics, data and insights, and smooth implementation to enhance the manager and employee experience. With its vision of building future-ready offerings and continued investments in this direction, it has safeguarded its position as a leader on Everest Group’s MCP Solutions PEAK Matrix® Assessment.”

NelsonHall’s November 2023 report identified ADP as a leader in their Payroll Services Vendor Evaluation and Assessment Tool (NEAT) in all market segments, including digital payroll capability, multi-country capability, and payroll plus (extended HR) capability. The NEAT defines leaders as vendors that exhibit both a high ability to deliver immediate benefit and a high capability to meet future client requirements. Vendor scores are based on extensive market analysis and feedback from interviewing vendor clients, principally in regard to the client’s perception of the vendor’s ability to support innovation, transformation, and meeting clients’ future payroll needs.

Liz Rennie, NelsonHall’s HR Technology & Services Research Director, said, “ADP is a payroll leader across market segments for its ongoing innovation, its maturity and breadth of offerings, and its ability to support organizations of all sizes, consistently delivering on value and with a strong service culture. Furthermore, ADP’s position as a leader in digital payroll capability is a testament to its ongoing investments in developing new payroll tools and constantly upgrading technology to support digital processes.”

In November 2023, Ventana Research named ADP an Exemplary Leader across their North American Domestic, Global, and Payroll Management Buyers Guides for performing the best in meeting overall product and customer experience requirements. Ventana Research also recognized ADP as a leader in their North American Domestic and Payroll Management (Overall Payroll) reports because the company is one of the top three overall highest performing vendors. The reports use the Ventana Value Index methodology, which is based on extensive market and product research and is structured to replicate an RFI process by incorporating criteria to select technology. The research evaluates technology providers on products that address key elements of payroll software across seven product and customer experience categories.

“The necessity to guarantee effective payroll processing is essential to every organization, and ADP has shown that it is committed to ensuring the effective processing of it,” said Mark Smith, Partner and Head of Software at Ventana Research. “ADP’s Exemplary and Leader ratings demonstrate its continued commitment to payroll management around the globe, and ADP should be congratulated for its ability to endure the scrutiny in the Buyers Guide market research.”

“We are honored to be recognized for our North American and global payroll services,” said Virginia Magliulo, president, Employer Services International at ADP. “In the rapidly changing world of work, we continue to innovate and respond to our clients’ needs across the globe. By combining our unmatched workforce data, based on providing payroll services in 140+ locations, with the power of next-generation technology, we can deliver tailored solutions to help businesses of all sizes succeed no matter where they are located.”

For more information on ADP’s position in the Everest Group Multi-Country Payroll (MCP) Solutions PEAK Matrix Assessment, visit here. For more information on ADP’s position in the NelsonHall Payroll NEAT Assessment, visit here. For more information on ADP’s position in the Ventana Payroll Buyers Guide Reports, please visit here for the Global Payroll Buyers Guide and here for the North American Domestic Payroll Buyers Guide.

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