AWS Cloud Tech to Power MGM Media Supply Chain

AWS Cloud Tech
to Power MGM Media Supply Chain

MGM will deliver its TV and film content through AWS channels.

SEATTLE—Amazon Web Services has reached a multi-year agreement with Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM) that will control MGM’s media supply chain with AWS cloud technologies to help deliver TV and film content across various channels.

AWS compute, serverless, database, machine learning and media services can be included in the new MGM media supply chain. MGM will create a data lake on AWS using Amazon Easy Storage Service (Amazon S3) to provide up-to-date content rights and ownership information and link to a microservice infrastructure that will optimise and automate workflows and processes around the media supply chain.

AWS Elemental MediaConvert will be used by MGM to automate processes for planning and distributing MGM content, optimise video for viewing on any device, through AWS. Meanwhile, AWS Lambda’s serverless compute and AWS container services can assist in the upload, encoding and packaging of content for all on-demand media networks. Amazon S3, Amazon S3 Glacier and Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive are designed to provide MGM with secure information and data storage and archiving.

Amazon Recognition, a machine learning application that can analyse videos, as well as build and tag individual video frames with metadata, will also be integrated.

MGM is now expected to use AWS analytics platforms such as Amazon EMR and Amazon SageMaker to forecast content viewing and sales trends.

“Our new cloud-based media supply chain will give us increased visibility of proprietary content, better informing our sales teams and faster processing of licencing deals that will help us deliver more content experience to viewers and increase new revenue opportunities,” said Doug Rousso, Executive Vice President and Chief Technical Officer, MGM.