Blockchain Trilemma: Blockchain’s Scaling Struggle- How can We Handle the Traffic?

Blockchain Trilemma: Blockchain's Scaling Struggle- How can We Handle the Traffic?
Blockchain Trilemma: Blockchain's Scaling Struggle- How can We Handle the Traffic?

Blockchain technology has undoubtedly transformed the way we think about decentralized transactions, offering security, transparency, and immutability.

This is an exclusive article series conducted by the Editor Team of CIO News with Kamlesh Nagware, Technology Evangelist at MOI Technology and Abhishek Sonawane, Marketing lead at MOI Protocol.

The Blockchain Trilemma: The inherent trade-offs between decentralization, security, and scalability in blockchain networks.

Decentralization: Decentralization refers to the distribution of authority and control across a network of participants rather than being concentrated in a single entity or authority. In the context of blockchain, decentralization ensures that no single entity has complete control over the network, enhancing censorship resistance and trustlessness.

Security: Security in blockchain networks refers to the resistance against various types of attacks, including double-spending, tampering, and unauthorized access. Security measures such as cryptographic hashing, consensus mechanisms, and validation protocols ensure the integrity and immutability of the data stored on the blockchain.

Scalability: Scalability refers to the ability of a blockchain network to handle an increasing number of transactions or users without sacrificing decentralization and security. As blockchain networks grow in size and usage, scalability becomes a critical consideration to maintain performance and usability.


The Blockchain Trilemma posits that it is challenging to simultaneously achieve high levels of decentralization, security, and scalability in a blockchain network. Improving one aspect often comes at the expense of the others. For example:

Increasing the block size or transaction throughput to improve scalability may compromise decentralization, as larger blocks require more resources to validate and propagate, potentially leading to centralization.

Implementing more robust security measures, such as stronger consensus mechanisms or cryptographic algorithms, may increase the computational overhead and reduce scalability.

Enhancing decentralization by increasing the number of network participants and reducing reliance on central authorities may introduce security vulnerabilities and scalability limitations.

Blockchains have revolutionized trust and transparency across various industries. However, as their popularity grows, a critical challenge emerges, i.e., scalability.

Existing blockchains struggle to handle a high volume of transactions, leading to slow processing times and rising fees. This can be a major roadblock to wider adoption.

Blockchain technology has undoubtedly transformed the way we think about decentralized transactions, offering security, transparency, and immutability. However, as the blockchain space continues to evolve, the need for more sophisticated communication protocols becomes apparent. Enter the era of context-aware peer-to-peer (P2P) protocols, a groundbreaking development that promises to enhance the efficiency and adaptability of blockchain networks.

Here’s why current blockchains face a scaling hurdle:

Limited Block Size: Blockchains like Bitcoin have a fixed block size, restricting the number of transactions processed per block. This creates a bottleneck, similar to a traffic jam, when transaction volume increases.

Storage Strain: In some blockchains, every node stores the entire transaction history. As the network grows, this data burden overwhelms individual nodes, hindering scalability.

Bandwidth Bottleneck: With more transactions, the amount of data broadcast across the network increases. This can overwhelm bandwidth limitations, slowing down transaction processing further.

So, what can be done? Here are some potential solutions:

Block Size Increases: Some blockchains are exploring increasing block sizes to accommodate more transactions. However, this can come at the expense of decentralization, as larger blocks require more powerful nodes to validate.

Alternative Consensus Mechanisms: New mechanisms like Proof of Stake (PoS) are gaining traction. PoS consumes less energy and can potentially validate transactions faster, improving scalability.

Sharding: This approach divides the blockchain into smaller partitions (shards), allowing for parallel transaction processing and reducing the load on individual nodes.

Solutions such as layer 2 scaling solutions, consensus algorithm improvements, and protocol optimizations aim to mitigate the trade-offs inherent in the blockchain trilemma and enhance the overall performance and usability of blockchain networks. But how do we achieve this in layer 1 blockchain? The answer is: MOI Blockchain.

Here’s MOI Technology, which has already worked out these problems.


MOI can handle millions of interactions at once!

It can achieve finality in the participants’ states in parallel by creating dynamic stochastic clusters. This aids in reaching a consensus quickly without compromising security.

MOI is designed to scale both vertically and horizontally. As the hardware capacity of a validator increases, it allows them to participate in multiple consensus clusters.

Additionally, as more validators join the network, more dynamic clusters can be created.

The biggest difference between the MOI protocol and traditional blockchains is that it scales as the number of active guardian nodes scales, and that’s the beauty of contextual computing.

MOI is the world’s first context-aware p2p protocol and open blockchain network based on ISM. Using the fundamentally new idea of ‘contextual computation’, MOI brings participants as a foundational dimension of computation to humanize the internet and propel the emerging digitally interacting society to be equitable, democratic, simple, and sustainable.

“MOI uses participants as a key element of computation to realize a new era of “contextual computation.”

MOI leverages ISM (Interaction State Machine), which is a state machine replication technology designed for a digitally interconnected society. It associates the state of objects with participants and their preferences across the entire network. It uses a context-based approach to enable a practical messaging framework for value creation, discovery, and management, akin to the familiar TCP/IP protocol.

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