Chrome browser engineers to increase browser safety

Chrome browser
Chrome browser engineers to increase browser safety

Chrome browser will try to open the site via “https://” starting with v90

In line with the efforts of engineers to increase the browser safety, Google’s Chrome browser will try to use HTTPS protocol soon as default when users forget to type the HTTP or HTTPS prefix.

Scheduled to be released in mid-April 2021, these HTTPS-first changes will arrive in Chrome 90.

At present, when a user types a link in the Omnibox Chrome address (URL) bar, regardless of the protocol, the Chrome browser will load the typed link.

Chrome will add the prefix “http://” and attempt to load the domain via HTTP if users do not add the protocol.

According to Chrome security engineer Emily Stark, this will change in Chrome 90.

Chrome browser will try to open the site via “https://” starting with v90, when users leave out the prefix when typing a URL.

Earlier Google has said that before visiting dangerous sites or downloading suspicious files, safe browsing in Chrome warns and automatically protects you from malicious ads.

Google said, if you use Chrome, your password protections are automatically built-in.

When people are about to enter sensible information including passwords or payment card data on unsecured HTTP pages, Chrome is already warning them. If the page URL is HTTPS, it also blocks downloads from HTTP sources.

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