Digital technology can help enhance education, reduce youth unemployment, and promote socioeconomic development. But for the youth to benefit from these opportunities, they must be equipped with a range of technological skills and have affordable access to connectivity
When asked what digital literacy is and why it matters, Lalit Trivedi, Head IT & Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at ITI Mutual Fund, in an exclusive interview with CIO News, said, “Now the world is moving towards digital and digital literacy is not only an advisable component to learn and understand, but it is mandatory for individuals to live, learn, and work in a society where communication and access to information are increasing using various digital platforms.”
Digital literacy is important now and, in the future, when you enter the professional world. In your workplace, you’ll be required to interact with people in digital environments, use information in appropriate ways, and, above all, individuals need to maintain their own identity.
In other words, digital literacy is important to establishing your presence in the modern world.
When asked about his views on digitally up-skilling the youth in the post-COVID era, he said, “Youth can build strong careers using digital technology.” Digital technology is a very vast area of development, and youth can take advantage of this opportunity to build their careers.
Digital upskilling allows anyone to acquire the most current knowledge to think, act, and thrive in the business world, and youth can be part of this revolution.
New realities have arisen post the COVID era, and new strategies have been adopted by economies around the world to cope with the changed realities. Youth can grab such an opportunity to upskill their careers.
Digital technology can help enhance education, reduce youth unemployment, and promote socioeconomic development. But for the youth to benefit from these opportunities, they must be equipped with a range of technological skills and have affordable access to connectivity.
Education has a big scope to enhance digital transformation and careers for youth, reduce unemployment and promote socioeconomic development.
Now India is becoming strong digitally and the government is also working on a mission mode for the last person in society to access the internet. This is a fantastic opportunity for the youth to seize and build a strong career in digital transformation.
When asked how the youth can be digitally empowered and what kind of exposure and engagement opportunities in the educational curriculum can educational institutes implement to raise the interest of youths to up-scale their digital skills, he said, “Youth can empower their digital skills in various ways. Digital transformation represents a real opportunity for youth. They can develop self-learning capability from available resources and demand.”
Advanced digital is more important for employment and entrepreneurial success. Some experts predict that there might soon be a “talent gap” for workers with advanced ICT competencies. This need for qualified workers is exacerbated by various socioeconomic inequities.
When asked if it should become a must for schools, colleges, and other educational institutes to conduct workshops or crash-courses programmes to drive the importance of technology for businesses, he said educational institutions can introduce more and real-time syllabus on digital transformation, which can encourage and attract youth to be part of such a revolution and empower their skills to build their future.
“It is estimated that tens of millions of future jobs will require far more advanced digital skills, including coding, software and app development, network management, machine learning, big data analysis, the Internet of Things (IoT), cybersecurity, and Distributed Ledger technologies like blockchain.”
When asked about his advice for youth considering their career in the technology industry, what they should know about the industry before starting their career, what challenges they could face and how they could overcome the challenges, he said, “My advice and suggestions to youth are to consider their career in technology based on current and future demand, always choose the technology to learn, which builds their interest more and more in their areas and boosts their career.”
Before beginning a career, youth must be up to date on current and future technological demands and upgrade their knowledge.
Still, there are many challenges for youth in the technology world due to the unavailability of resources, unavailability of technology sources, and personal restrictions.
Youth can build strong careers and successful futures in the digital space if they plan how to overcome such challenges.
He highlighted that Digital Transformation is a bunch of technologies and still has a long way to go.
Digital transformation cannot be defined by a single framework. Every youth can choose digital transformation for a bright career to empower their future and support the digital world’s growth.
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