E-scooter factory in India: Ola partners with ABB for robotics and automation

E-scooter by Ola
E-scooter by Ola

E-scooter factory to be the world’s largest in Tamil Nadu

Ola is all geared up for the opening of its electric scooter (e-scooter) factory in Tamil Nadu, India, for which the company has selected ABB as one of its key partners for the latter’s robotics and automation solutions.

Ola said in a statement, billed to be the world’s largest, the scooter factory in Tamil Nadu is expected to be ready and operational in the coming months.

The e-scooter factory will utilise ABB’s automation solutions in its key manufacturing process lines, including the painting and welding lines, while in the battery and motor assembly, the ABB robots will be extensively deployed.

These include ABB’s “IRB 5500” paint and “IRB 2600” integrated dressing robots in the e-scooter factory’s painting and welding lines, and “IRB 6700” robots for assembly and material handling in the battery and motor assembly areas.

For continuous self-learning and to optimise every aspect of the manufacturing process, the e-scooter factory will be powered by Ola’s own proprietary AI Engine and tech stack that will be deeply integrated into all its systems, based on the industry 4.0 principles.

The remote digital connectivity and monitoring of the robots that will ride on Ola’s proprietary AI engine and tech stack will be ensured by the use of ABB’s robots and automation solutions, which will enhance the entire operations, especially with Ola’s implementation of cyber-physical and advanced IoE systems.

“We are delighted to bring on board ABB, a global leader in robotics, machine automation and digital services, as a key supplier and partner for robotics and automation solutions that will be deployed at our scooter mega-factory”, said Bhavish Aggarwal, chairman and Group CEO at Ola.

“We are privileged to be an end to end partner of Ola Electric and contribute to the EV vision of this path-breaking company and of our nation. Our integrated automation package with digital connectivity, riding on Ola’s AI platform will be instrumental in the roll-out of these world-class scooters for India and the rest of the world”, said Sanjeev Sharma, managing director at ABB India and South Asia.

Also Read:How the pandemic hit Ola, Uber hard in India

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