Financial Network Inc skips Oracle to MariaDB SkySQL on Google Cloud

Financial Network Inc skips Oracle to MariaDB SkySQL on Google Cloud

MariaDB Corporation reported today that the financial technology firm Financial Network, Inc. (FNI) has selected MariaDB SkySQL as its cloud database operating on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

FNI has switched to MariaDB to avoid the obstacles to creativity that Oracle has faced. With MariaDB, FNI was able to extend its product range to add value to its consumers. MariaDB not only embraced FNI ‘s specifications for security , scalability and high availability, its Oracle compatibility features led to its migration. Now completely free from Oracle, FNI is extending its MariaDB footprint with SkySQL in order to reduce the cost of data centres and understand the value of cloud database services from the start, the same expertise creating the database.

“MariaDB has been a true collaborative collaborator for us on our road to the cloud,” said Bryan Bancroft, FNI ‘s lead database administrator. “With SkySQL, we don’t have to care about containers or maintain a database, which is left to MariaDB database professionals. We still have the option to quickly extend our applications to exploit blended transactions and analytics when the time is right. Moving to MariaDB from Oracle was a crucial strategic business move for us and eventually saved us up to 80% of the expense of the database-allowing us to reinvest our savings in providing new, critical solutions to our customers.

SkySQL introduces the full capacity of the MariaDB platform to the cloud for orders, analytics or hybrid workloads on any scale, combining strong business capabilities and world-class support with unrivalled ease of use and ground-breaking creativity. SkySQL is designed on a state-of-the-art cloud agnostic platform and is entirely customizable to meet both market and technological requirements.

Enabled since March 2020, SkySQL has been used for consumers in more than 48 countries across the world for a wide range of applications including extra ability to manage peak workloads, micro-borrowing transactions paired with analytics for real-time financial reporting, lifting and moving from MariaDB and MySQL to cloud premises, data redundancy for disaster recovery strategies and migration.