Implement technology which helps businesses with smooth operations, not much complicated multi-product software and multi-integration
When asked how he planned his career path to be a successful technology leader, Rupendra Nigam, Head of Information Technology Department at Spykar lifestyles pvt ltd, in an exclusive interview with CIO News, said, “The first thing is to plan a long-term goal and then learn basic issues in technology and to understand solutions for that.” To grow more, build a network with good technology leaders and promote your organization. Define organisations with technology with important items like (purpose, goals, and values).
When asked about challenges he faced in his career path and how he overcame them, he said, “Without challenges, no life.” Every challenge gave me strength, and I moved forward with more energy. The main challenges I have faced are users’ resistance to accepting system-driven business and not supporting it in system implementation. But thanks to our organisation management who gave full support to make sure the system should be implemented, we have done the same on time with 99% project delivery on time. I also corrected some failed implementations where the top 5 big consulting companies failed to provide systems as per business demand.
When asked about challenges faced by technology leaders today while implementing digital technologies, he said, “Right manpower or consulting companies who can help with cost-effective and on-time delivery.”
When asked how technology leaders can overcome the challenges faced, he said, “All technology leaders should have their own team to run the show and should not fully depend on external resources.” We should adopt the 3G Japanese concept (which means “Real Location, Real Thing Concept”).
When asked about best practices, industry trends, or advice he would like to suggest to fellow IT leaders for their successful professional journeys, he said, “Adoption of any technology is totally dependent on company to company and their leaders.” But I can tell you one thing that prefers to go to a cloud-based data centre and prefer a private cloud with managed service to manage the cost of cloud and quality, where we can talk to concerned service providers’ management. On public cloud services, we can talk only to partners.
Implement technology which helps businesses with smooth operations, not much complicated multi-product software and multi-integration. This will help in smooth operation and management and will be cost effective, as we have seen such an impact during the COVID period.
He highlighted that the IT function in the industry is a support function, so they create an effective system that helps businesses grow and select vendors for any work based on their previous work experience and check their service one-on-one with clients.
Also read: CIO News interviews Shri Wangki Lowang, Minister (IT) of Arunachal Pradesh
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