Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited deploys SAP Business One as its single source of truth

Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited deploys SAP Business One as its single source of truth
Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited deploys SAP Business One as its single source of truth

Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited evaluated several ERP solutions and found SAP BUSINESS ONE close to our business requirements. Though it did require a fair degree of customization before it could become a snug-fit for our business operations.

India’s leading Carbon Management Firm Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited has seamlessly integrated its Business Operations on the SAP Business One Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Platform.

Talking about this strategic move, Company’s Chief Executive Officer Puneet Katyal said, “Today when aspersions are cast on the very existence of carbon offsetting as one of the potent tools to fight climate change, it has become even more important to infuse accountability and transparency in the way genesis of carbon credits is established be it through avoidance, reduction, or removal mechanisms. Our claim to fame for over two decades that we have been into business has been our differentiated and value-added approach to assist global entities to credibly progress towards navigating into a carbon neutral world. This journey is extremely important. In fact, our name Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited says it all about the work we do and the expanse we have.

With an ever-increasing base of our clients who happen to be developers of renewable / clean energy projects, energy efficiency projects, and nature-based solutions on one end and a groundswell of carbon credit and I-REC buyers who are committed to progressively attain Net Zero on the other, it was only prudent to repurpose our internal platforms by integrating various business verticals by the common thread of an ERP system. Currently, we have the mandate for managing Carbon Portfolio for 3.5 GW which is poised to grow to 10 GW in the next couple of years in line with the Energy Transition plans of our country.

We evaluated several ERP solutions and found SAP BUSINESS ONE close to our business requirements. Though it did require a fair degree of customization before it could become a snug-fit for our business operations. Our core competence lies in becoming a perfect link between project developers and buyers of carbon credits while ensuring seamless cross linkages with carbon registries / mechanisms and independent third-party auditors accredited by registries like CDM, Gold Standard, Verra to name a few. Right from managing all documentation related to registration, validation and verification of the clean energy projects/process efficiency projects/ nature based solutions on the ERP Platform; to handling most critical technical processes like calculation of certified emission reductions or carbon credits on the basis of complex datasets received from the site teams; to presenting the reports in the formats that are mandated by the Designated Operational Entities/ Validation /Verification Bodies accredited by Carbon Registries; to communicating with internal and external stakeholders, our SAP Business One Environment is the Single Source of Truth for us and our stakeholders alike.

Details of all Co-Benefit Social Interventions associated with various Carbon Mitigation Projects is available at the click of a mouse in our ERP Environment. This is a great leap for us as we surge on the path of driving accelerated efforts towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) all through this action-packed decade.

While implementing the ERP it has been ensured that there is minimum human intervention to avoid errors, aberrations, and biases. This move of transposing our business processes on SAP Business One further emboldens our promise of upholding highest standards of business ethics and governance towards the principle of climate integrity. Carbon Trading is heading in the direction of embracing Block Chain Technology to further enhance transparency and accountability of the whole process. We are completely on that bandwagon and our SAP Business One ERP Platform works as a perfect enabler for this. We have gotten started and are headed in the right direction. ERP has a configurable workflow engine to facilitate Corporate Governance with detailed audit trails at all times. This further instils faith in our Clients and Buyers towards high standard treatment that we accord to ESG.

In fact, this is one of our humble and tangible contributions of infusing efficiency and transparency in the way Carbon and other Environmental Commodities are managed and traded worldwide.

Very soon the Domestic Carbon Market will also be launched in India. With our automated and re-purposed business platforms in place, we are well equipped for servicing our ever-increasing clientele for existing carbon mechanisms and registries and those that will be instituted in the times to come. In fact, our automation journey has just begun. We will make the most of technology that will enable us to participate in Environmental Commodities’ Management in the most efficient and cost-effective way.

I extend hearty thanks to SAP and Team Uneecops, Platinum Implementation Partner of SAP, for providing a world class automated ERP environment for us. Here I also would like to mention about Mudit Agarwal, Founder of AGRIM TECH SERVICES – a veteran IT Expert who provided us end to end consulting and advisory services to evaluate, select and implement SAP Business One. A thorough scientific methodology was adhered to for successful implementation of the project.

It will not be an exaggeration if I say that SAP, Uneecops, Agrim Tech Services and Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited together have demonstrated how Technology and Re-purposed Business Platforms can contribute towards catalysing Climate Action by facilitating Credible Carbon Offsetting giving boost to Voluntary Carbon Markets simultaneously benefitting the Communities at grassroots. I am a firm believer that Voluntary Carbon Markets are strategically poised to effectively reduce harmful emissions and equitably benefit communities. Our Re-purposed Business Platform curated by SAP Business One will further prominently pronounce our raison d’être of taking People and Planet together.”

Talking about the successful implementation of SAP Business One at Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited,  Ketan Jain Executive Director at Uneecops Business Solutions said, “Our client India’s leading Environmental Commodities’ Management Firm – Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited was looking for an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Platform which could seamlessly integrate its Business Operations. Viviid Emissions Reductions serves as the potent link between developers of clean energy projects and nature-based solutions on one end and the buyers of carbon credits on the other. In achieving this, seamless cross linkage with carbon registries / mechanisms and independent third-party auditors accredited by the registries like CDM, Gold Standard, Verra, CDM etc., is ensured. We have been able to repurpose their internal business platforms by configuring it over SAP BUSINESS ONE which perfectly addresses their business prerogative.

Uneecops, as a SAP platinum partner reimagines existing business models to embed responsible business practices across technology industry to promote sustainable future. We combine intelligence, insights, people, and technology, to help our clients chart their course towards a net-zero emission. This endeavour will tremendously boost our client’s turnaround times of efficiently servicing their customers and buyers at both ends of the carbon value chain.

Needless to mention that it will contribute Viviid Emissions Reductions’ share of Credibility in the Voluntary Carbon Market Space which is poised to grow from the current USD 2 Billion to anywhere between USD 10 Billion and USD 50 Billion by the year 2030. This is a clear indicator of how more and more companies across sectors world over will work towards progressive decarbonization; commit to Net Zero and shall offset their hard to abate Carbon Footprint through Carbon Credits. Uneecops is all about infusing process efficiency to our Clients’ Business and we are extremely happy to have done it for Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited. Of course, our alliance with Viviid Emissions Reductions will continue to further bring its new verticals under the ambit of SAP BUSINESS ONE. Unlearning, learning, re-learning, and winning is a continuous process. The journey has just begun.”

Mudit Agarwal, Founder of AGRIM TECH SERVICES who is Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited’s Consultant in the process of configuring SAP BUSINESS ONE says, “The entire journey right from preparing the project brief, inviting technical proposals, evaluating them, preparing the agreements along with the team of Viviid Emissions Reductions, supervising business information gathering, Business Blue Printing, Conference Room Pilot, User Acceptance Training, guiding through to GO LIVE and beyond in the Hyper Care Support phase has been extremely endearing and enriching. I have learned phenomenally about how Carbon Trading and Management of Environmental Commodities at a global level fosters Climate Change Mitigation. As a consultant, to begin with, I devoted long hours to understand all the business processes of Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited to be able to ideate with the Management as to how critical technical and financial processes could be automated to impart a discernible competitive advantage. Several repetitive processes were re-oriented to save on time and boost process efficiency. The whole process of configuring Viviid Emissions Reductions Universal Private Limited on to SAP BUSINESS ONE platform has been truly gratifying where I could use my core competence and technical knowhow to the best advantage of my esteemed client.”

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