We live in a truly remarkable technology era, says Ahmed Saleh AlBalooshi, Managing Director of Fintech ICT Services & Consultation

We live in a truly remarkable technology era, says Ahmed Saleh AlBalooshi, Managing Director of Fintech ICT Services & Consultation
We live in a truly remarkable technology era, says Ahmed Saleh AlBalooshi, Managing Director of Fintech ICT Services & Consultation

Using holographic technology, we can see each other in different geographical places over the Internet as if we were in an actual meeting

This is an exclusive interview by the Editor team of CIO News with Ahmed Saleh AlBalooshi, Managing Director of Fintech ICT Services & Consultation on:

Trends of Industry 4.0 in 2022




We live in a truly remarkable technology era, the age of leadership, services, and entertainment with fingertips that include robotic education and Healthcare, connected cities and factories, and autonomous transportation and supply chain. Moreover, it will provide business decisions predictions, secured transactions, voice-to-text conversion, facial recognition. In general, we are in the era of intelligent portable systems that serve the well-being of individuals and organizations. Amazingly, we can bring the world to the palm of our hands by just pressing a button. I have imagined many times how far we can travel with future sciences! If someone had told me 20 years ago, even after watching science fiction movies, that this would happen in the future, I would doubt it. Only people like Steve Jobs saw it while many couldn’t. It is the generation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0). But intelligent leaders should always cope with innovative changes as they pop up, not after it becomes standard practice. Isn’t it?


Starting with the 5G network,

Doctors can perform surgery from a distance with high accuracy. Also, using holographic technology, we can see each other in different geographical places over the Internet as if we were in an actual meeting. Distance education will be as if we are on campus. Moreover, transportation entities will communicate with each other technically without any human intervention. Think about financial and supply chain transactions that will complete within an eye-blink. Imagine downloading a 100GB file in just a few seconds. IoT is a linked technology to 5G, and we have already discussed some of its benefits. Yet, more to come.

Cybersecurity is the most critical technology that needs to be considered for the current business online models. Unfortunately, the traditional information security tools don’t have the capabilities to capture malware or viruses in real-time, which might be residing in the environments for more than 200 days. With cybersecurity and AI, the monitoring, catching, and taking action will be done in real-time, reducing the risk to almost 1% to 5%.

Imagine what we can do with Big Data? Currently, the revenue growth of giant companies like Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Google depends 70% on big data analytics. By using these analyses, we can predict customers’ needs. We are also enabling the delivery of services to clients with unprecedented speed and accuracy. Moreover, analysis of road data will reduce traffic congestion and accidents, increasing safety on the road. Not to forget to mention that life requirements of services and entertainment will be accessible to all with just a few clicks. And expect much more to arrive.

Cloud computing is your money-saving, where we can shift our entire computer center to the cloud, saving the cost of hardware, licenses, maintenance, power, employees, and many more. Moreover, think about the high-security environments that will secure your data to a professional level. We also can rent servers and storage as per usage rather than buying hardware for test purposes and much more to benefit from.

Using 3D printing, we can convert our ideas into natural mini objects. Imagine a civil engineer who can demonstrate the construction structure into a printed mini building. Moreover, we can illustrate the building interior furniture decoration. What about artificial human organs such as hands and feet? Also, we can design any small objects such as shoes, clothes, care spare parts and print them in 3D. In China, they have built an entire building using 3D printing.

We also have Augmented and Virtual Realities (AR & VR). The virtual world is where we can visualize things as reality. Think of conducting meetings in one room but in virtual environments, regardless of location. We also can play games as we are in them for real, where we will feel the atmosphere. Have you heard about Extended and Mixed Realities (XR & MR)? To explain in short, we need to define all virtual-reality techs. In VR, we will engage the player in a completely artificial digital domain. And in AR, we will overlay virtual entities in real-world surroundings. In MR, we will overlay and anchor virtual objects in the real world. On the other hand, although it is a new technology, XR combines real-and-virtual atmospheres with human-machine interactions rendered by computer techs and wearables. XR is similar to a container including AR, VR, and MR to produce atmospheres with minor disorders.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), Data Science (DS), expert systems are exhaustively lengthy subjects, but they are the real fuel to activate the above technologies. To make it short, through high-speed Internet (5G), data scientists will manipulate and analyze the big data using ML and DL to produce AI products and expert systems such as IoT, VR family, robots, and much more. Moreover, we still didn’t tackle Blockchain and Quantum Computing, which are, in my opinion, Industry 5.0.


In education, we can automate the entire learning experience with robotic instructors, monitoring students’ improvement, grading transparency, and updating the curriculums automatically as per the global updates. The innovation can even extend to help students select their best educational choices, which will enhance their academic journey. Moreover, opening online universities without a campus will save cost, time, and effort! Yet, more to flow in as the concept grows.

In Healthcare, IR 4.0 techs are already helping doctors better identify diseases and determine the appropriate treatment programs. Imagine that we can locate cancers and treat them with more accuracy over time, where reading the continuous illness patterns can give a better indication of the healing success ratio. We can enhance medicines’ efficiency by reading ongoing usage results worldwide for better results. Have you ever thought of performing online operations between countries where doctors can exchange expertise without traveling? What about the robotic doctors, which can perform operations with much fewer mistakes than human errors. And the list goes on.

We can have connected cities and smart factories using the Internet of Things (IoT). We are talking about intelligent communications between cities, factories, homes, streets, agriculture, security, individuals, and many others. It is simply a technology that intelligently connects everything with a minor human intervention, with high accuracy and unprecedented protection. The AI products control devices and sensors’ flow, and we do not interfere except when needed.

The big shock comes from the Nano and Genome technologies, where Nanotechnology is science for developing nanoscale products between 1 nanometer and 100 nanometers in size. To provide an idea of how small it is, it will take 800 nanoparticles to match the thickness of a human hair. Amazingly, the nanoscale is an excellent approach to help scientists understand how activities in the universe are happening by studying them as small as possible. Not to mention its advantages for human healthcare refinements. Moreover, think about how this will produce nanocomputer chips. An amazing future is upfront waiting for us.

What about Genome technology? To understand this, we must define what a genome is first, which is the entire DNA content enclosed within a single cell of an organism. Almost every cell in the body has a copy of nearly 3 billion pairs of DNA that make up the human genetic system. The actual science here is identifying the entire DNA sequence and performing genetic remapping to help understand the disease and thus permanently find the appropriate treatment. Imagine how it would help to search for genetic differences that increase the risk of certain conditions, such as cancer, or to search for the type of genetic mutations often seen in cancer cells. Still, we need more research to understand how the genome works and to discover the genetic basis for health or disease. What a spectacular path we are walking towards it!!!

And the list can go on.

Ahmed Saleh AlBalooshi highlighted:

We need to utilize the opportunity of using the IR 4.0 techs as per our needs and direct it towards a future that reflects shared goals and values. To accomplish that, we need to develop a comprehensive vision of how technology affects our lives and reshapes economic, social, cultural, and human environments. Unfortunately, today’s decision-makers are often trapped in traditional linear thinking, which distances them from strategic thinking about the innovation that shapes our future. Moreover, industry 4.0 may have the power to make humanity “robotic,” thus depriving us of our hearts and souls. Still, as an integral part of the best parts of human nature (creativity, compassion, and supervision), it can also raise humanity to a new collective and moral era based on future sciences. We must all make sure that the latter will prevail.

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