AI analog chip start-up raises finance

AI analog chip
AI analog chip start-up raises finance

The AI analog chip start-up’s latest funding round was led by a private equity firm BlackRock and software company Hewlett Packard Enterprise

On Tuesday, Mythic, an AI analog chip start-up firm, which makes artificial intelligence chips for use in gadgets such as smart home devices or security cameras, said it raised $70 million in its latest round of funding.

The Redwood City, California-based AI analog chip maker started in 2012 has been using analog technology for its chips rather than digital. Digital chips store and process data in 1s and 0s, whereas analog chips can process wave forms such as speech or video and are used to digitize speech and video into 1s and 0s.

“What it really does is allows us to get essentially GPU levels of performance – those big book sized cards burning one hundred watts and costing $4,000 dollars”, said Mike Henry, co-founder and CEO of the AI analog chip maker.

GPUs are digital graphic chips often used for video processing and Nvidia Corp. is the biggest player in the market.

“With analog compute, we could get that same compute power in a small, low power, low cost chip. Something that can go into really any device out there”, he added.

To make sense of the data using algorithms, an explosion of gadgets and sensors collecting data everywhere is creating a huge need for new computing power and investors have been putting in big bets expecting one of the new AI analog chip start-ups to challenge the incumbent giants.

So far, Mythic has raised a total of $165.2 million and the latest round of funding will help accelerate plans for mass production, develop its next generation processors and build up software that works with the chips. It’s currently testing with potential customers.

Henry said that the Mythic chip can process the data, such as video, locally and just send key information back to the data centre for use if needed.

The AI analog chip start-up’s latest funding round was led by a private equity firm BlackRock and software company Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

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