AI applications: EU announces tough draft rules

AI applications
AI applications: EU announces tough draft rules

European Commission announced rules that includes hefty fines for violations, a ban on surveillance with a few exceptions and strict safeguards for hi risk AI applications

On Wednesday, the European Commission made an announcement about tough draft rules governing the use of artificial intelligence (AI) that includes hefty fines for violations, a ban on surveillance with a few exceptions and strict safeguards for hi risk AI applications.

To take the lead in regulating a technology, AI rules could help the European Union (EU). Critics say that technology has harmful social effects and can be used as a tool for social control by repressive governments. Supporters see it as an engine of economic growth.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has underlined the importance of algorithms and internet-connected gadgets in daily life, the move comes as China moves ahead in the AI race.

AI applications that allow governments to do social scoring and others that exploit children will be banned, the Commission said.

High risk AI applications, which are used in recruitment, critical infrastructures, credit scoring, migration and law enforcement, will be subject to strict safeguard.

Fines up to 6 per cent of the global turnover or EUR 30 million ($36 million), whichever is the higher, will be faced by companies breaching the rules.

Before the rules come into force, in a process that can take more than a year, the Commission will have to thrash out the details with EU countries and European Parliament.

Also read:Robots becoming an important part of the marketing industry

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