Android earthquake alerts system: Google to make it work in more countries

Android earthquake alerts system
Android earthquake alerts system: Google to make it work in more countries

Automatic notifications about earthquakes through the android earthquake alerts system will be received by android users in Greece and New Zealand

Google – the American technology conglomerate has made an announcement about its android earthquake alerts system that will be now working in more countries. By utilising sensors in android phones worldwide, the safety feature essentially creates a large network of earthquake detectors.

By looking up “earthquakes near me” for “near-instant” updates, android users around the world can take advantage of the system. According to Mashable initially, notifications for the android earthquake alerts system were only available in select locations in the US, with Oregon being the most recent addition.

The tech giant announced that the earthquake alerts will now be available in two more locations. Automatic notifications about earthquakes through the android earthquake alerts system will be received by android users in Greece and New Zealand. Google stated that because they lack early warning system alerts, the company chose these countries. Users can turn these notifications off if they like.

In August 2020, Google had pushed out an update on android, where it rolled out a host of new tools and features. That was when the android earthquake alerts system first saw the light of day.

As noted by a report in The Verge, though, there are some limitations to Google’s alert system; people closest to the quake probably will not get much advance warning since they will be the first ones to detect the quake. However, giving them just enough time to act in advance, their phones will help give a heads-up to others farther away.

Also, those close by can look up for helpful resources on what to do after an earthquake, provided the earthquake has not wreaked havoc.

Meanwhile, residents of Washington in the US are slated to receive the Android alert update in May. Although no mention has been made of further rolling out the safety notifications to other countries, it is likely that more areas will get them in the future.

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