Fast changing technologies and keeping pace with them was a challenge. But, by aligning myself with such challenges and keeping an open mind set, I was able to overcome the challenges
When asked how he planned his career path to be a successful technology leader, Rajeev Khade, Ex – Vice President & Global Head Information Technology at Sigma Engineered Solutions, in an exclusive interview with CIO News, said, “Right from the start of my professional career, I had in mind that I wanted to be a tech-savvy IT professional and to lead the organisation that I will work for in their journey to achieve their business goals.” Since the objective was clear, the planning was quite easy and smooth. I jotted down my goals into long-term and short-term goals. Once such goals were prepared, then I started working first on the short-term goals and then on to the long-term goals. I ensured that the short-term and long-term goals were aligned and that there was a proper linkage between them. After the start, then every three months, I used to do or follow a “Plan Do Act & Check” (PDCA), which helped to ensure that I was on the right track.
When asked about challenges he faced in his career path and how he overcame them, he said fast changing technologies and keeping pace with them was a challenge. But, by aligning myself with such challenges and keeping an open mind set, I was able to overcome the challenges.
When asked about the challenges faced by IT leaders today while implementing digital technologies, he said that selecting the right technology and platform to implement the identified digital projects is the challenge being faced by the leaders.
When asked how technology leaders can overcome the challenges faced, he said, identification of the best fitment for your needs will help to achieve the desired results. Do the required proof of concept, deploy the technology with a smaller group of your internal customers, convince them about the intended results and cost benefit analysis, return on investments and value addition to business that it is going to make. I think such an approach during the course of implementation, if followed, will definitely help to achieve the business outcomes.
When asked about best practices, industry trends, or advice he would like to suggest to fellow IT leaders for their successful professional journeys, he said, “Having a clear mind set about the requirements of business, aligning yourself with the business needs and requirements, and revisiting your goals and working to achieve them from time to time will definitely help.”
He highlighted that clarity with respect to what is required, when it is required, and how to achieve it is very important. Always keep internal customers’ requirements at the focus of your work. Keeping up with the latest technologies and approaching technology service providers during your work will always be beneficial.
Also read: Having an understanding of digital literacy means you’re able to use technology safely
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