Technology can make after-sales service a success factor

Technology After Sales Service
Technology can make after-sales service a success factor

Adoption of digital technology is the key to address the challenge of after-sales service

The need for integration of digital technology in the past year has accelerated into all areas of a business and has allowed for fundamental changes in how a company operates and the value delivered to the customer.

A positive effect on the earnings of a company comes by giving a good service to the customer, which often makes a big contribution to total sales, profit margins and the overall balance sheet. It has been witnessed and experienced over the last year that an important strategic factor for success can be after-sales service.

To drive the customer experience in the market there are two key trends. Firstly the products are getting smarter, which means that customers are getting more specific in their quest for solutions and secondly customers are getting savvy in their expectations from services, given the change in lifestyles.

Customers expect immediate resolution of problems when malfunction happens in smart products as they serve a vital role in the customer’s life. But, unfortunately the enhanced level of expectations of the customers are not met by most of the after-sales centres.

They key to address this challenge is the adoption of digital technology, which will propel the process of data management and leverage data to improve the customer experience, open new markets, make employees and processes more productive and, thus, to create new sources of competitive advantage.

With the help of digital technology after-sales service divisions, commonly seen as the cost centres for an organisation, can transform them and become an experience driver that adds back to the bottom line.

If service operations are moved to a platform with technology and features like real-time tracking of the service progress as well as instant updates, it will help in improving the connect with the customer and become a key driver of success. Also, there is a significant opportunity for the business teams to leverage real-time information for improved decision making with the help of digital technology.

For any business that sells technology products, after-sales service will remain one of the critical factors of success. To achieve sustainable performance, companies have to strongly respond to the ever-changing requirements of the customer. Artificial intelligence (AI) will likely drive even more automation into products and businesses. Those companies will emerge as the real winners which will deliver new levels of efficiency with services that are tailored to business outcomes and individual demands of the customer.

As per a research from International Data Corporation (IDC), two-thirds of the CEO’s of Global 2,000 companies will shift their focus to modern strategies with digital technology from traditional, offline strategies for improving the customer experience before the end of 2021. 34 per cent of companies believe that they will fully adopt digital transformation within 12 month or less.

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